Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we have provided answers to our most frequently asked questions.

For everyone

How do I mark a comment as abuse?

I forgot my password. How do I get it back?

I don’t live in Las Vegas. How do I switch to another city?

Other questions?

For publishers

Can you add my website to City And Press?

How do I remove my website from City And Press?

Why does a photo appear in an article?

Q. How do I mark a comment as abuse?

Please let us know if a reader’s comment is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by filling a contact form to describe the problem.

Q. I forgot my password. How do I get it back?

A. You can request a new password here.

Q. I don’t live in Las Vegas. How do I switch to another city?

A. To change your city, please click here.

Q. Can you add my website to City And Press?

A. City And Press selects local websites that have RSS feeds and high-quality content. Please contact us with information about your website.

Q. How do I remove my website from City And Press?

A. Simply contact us, and we’ll take it off.

Q. Why does a photo appear in an article?

A. City And Press uses photos from to accompany certain articles. These photos are under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

City And Press can’t match all articles with photos, due to the workload and the limited number of Flickr photos under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Whether linking a photo to an article or not, City And Press doesn’t endorse any articles or opinions.

If you are the publisher of an article and want to remove the photo from your article, please contact us.

If you are the owner of a photo and want to remove it, please also contact us.

Other questions?

If you have any questions or requests, please contact us by form or email us at [email protected].